Our beautiful boy

Created by Hazel 10 years ago
Our perfect baby boy Rufus was born on 18th October and we had 3 amazing days at home with him before we realised there was anything wrong. He was taken to Macclesfield Hospital for what we thought was just a check and it turned out to be the start of the most horrendous few days of our lives. We were rushed to Manchester Childrens Hospital where Rufus had emergency surgery for a bleed on his brain and was moved to the intensive care unit. He had numerous tests that revealed he was a haemophiliac and the normal trauma suffered at birth caused him to have a massive bleed on the brain. Rufus lost his brave battle on the 25th October in his mum and dads arms after a short but happy time with us. The care he received throughout could not have been better, from the doctors at macclesfield, the NWTS emergency transport team that rushed him to Manchester and finally the amazing team of surgeons, nurses, doctors, consultants and experts at Royal Manchester Childrens Hospital. Sadly they couldn't save Rufus but for so many children they provide amazing life saving care and immense support for the families affected. They provided us with so much support during the worst possible time. We will be arranging some fundraising events in the future but so many people have asked what they can do we thought that this is the most positive way to remember our beautiful Rufus and ensure his memory lives on.